Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The quest for a purple Lotus

This is the beginning sketch. I've found some brush painting tutorials, and I have my books.  But I thought rather than do this in Sumi ink first I would sketch our the  general idea first.  I mean I'm adding in fish as well as changing some of the composition, I should get the idea out in pencil so I can scratch and erase.

I really didn't do that much though, but it was low on the paper. I had the flower centered well so the bottom filled up with an empty sky line.  I will be completing this with a purple flower and creating a logo of sorts for Power up for PCOS.

There is always a meaning in the Chinese culture, so here is what I know: two fish are a symbol of harmony and married bliss in China. The lotus is a symbol of purity, summer and fertility, and when accompanied by a fish, love.
The purple lotus is a rather mystical symbol itself and has meanings in many cultures.  I have loved the freshness of Brush painting and am delighted to know that this sketch is being well received by those it is intended for.